Tuesday 20 December 2011

was yesterday's lesson interesting and useful ?

assalamualaikum ..

 Yesterday i learnt contextual clues .
hurmm... i think the class very interesting but i not understand 100% about the lesson ...
yesterday the men group was present ..
they was a second group present ..
first group was me..
my title group was reference words ...
what I understand from the lesson yesterday was -----
contextual clues were seven types
6)general clues

     Lessons can I take from the lesson yesterday was that it was impossible for us to understand the whole verse in both English but with use contextual clues, we can understand those the texts.Contextual is method most suitable for me to understand a passage.

Example provided by the miss was  :

  1. The thought of eating a rat is abborrent to most people.
  • eating a rat : contextual clues
  • abborent : disgusting/horibble
     2   Petra has so many friends because she is a gregarious person.
  • has so many friends : contextual clues
  • gregarious : friendly
the end ....

Tuesday 6 December 2011

New words I learnt in last week's class (30.11.2011)

   and good evening to all my friends....
    Last week,my love lecturer has do some quiz to my class..the quiz not very difficult but okey laaa..i learnt at blok khadijah..the block was very far distance..i feel very  very  very  and very tried..huhuhu..the class start from 2 until 4 p.m..in the class,miss has do two quizs..i sad because i not win any quiz..sad sad sad..hurm..i and rabiatul adawiyah in one group..i call her Ada..

    The first word i learnt was nutmeg..in malay nutmeg was mean buah pala..nutmeg was use in cooking..furthermore,i was learnt sole..in malay it mean tapak kaki..i think that all what i learnt in english last week.both all quizs was winner by girls student..the power for girl..hehehe

     THE END....

Wednesday 23 November 2011



my first class in unisza at date 15th november 2011 is english...
the time is  4-6pm..
at the time i so tired because the class stat afternoon..
hurmmm..but i said in my mind "i musty strong to learn english"..
because english is very important for my future..
my lecture name's is Junaidah..we call her miss..she is very beautiful and kind person...
in my class i have 29 friends..9 boys(all of them very smart) and 20 girls(all of them very cute)..hehe
in class i did not know other each..firstly i also scared but finally i am okey..
miss give me the frist task..the task is short composition..the title is about what we do when we have a free time??i do not what i write in a paper..i am one person  lower in english..but it not delay for my self..
i try to write a composition..miss want to we send a writing at the day..finally i succes write a writing..
last but not least,i love my class....